My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


friends, it's been great... thanks.

Hey people, it has been great blogging and sharing my life with many enthusiastic readers (although not as many as I would have it, since my hits are still kinda shitty)... but there are some serious thinking and inward reflection that's been going on in my mind right now...

One of them being, that I have probably lost tract on my sense of priority, which eventually leads to my loss of identity (of which I am digging painfully inside right now).

So in life, certain sacrifices has to be put on to get things right again, and I figured it would be a good start to let go of blogging.

I wish you well, my friends, and I hope one day our path will cross again... hopefully in another medium. Thanks again, thanks very much... it's been a great fun.



XiGorX said...

life goes on bro..don't dwell in has more to offer..relaks la ba ko..bagus la ko pi bili golden retriever..tgk mcm sa, teda masalah langsung..hehehe(mangkali)

BoBby said...

hurm....i'm speechless....ur blog don't have problem with you or even the rest of ur friends....and I don't understand why...and why your blog should be close.....I'm confused.... :(

Anonymous said...

ni lah senarai urg2 yg kena prank..termasuk "gue" lol..