My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


what the fghijklmnopq...

(venting my irritation)

How long can a conversation between 2 strangers last? This one lasted as long as about 30 m...

On the way here (to the wartel)...

becakman: becak om...
arteo: smile and gave a gesture of "no thanks"
becak: becak om, keliling, kraton...
arteo: gak apa, terima kasih...
becak: pergi mana, om..?
arteo: gak apa, terima kasih (no eye contact with the becakman)
becak: om... om...
other becakman: shui... shui... (in the manner one would cat-call a whore) om, becak..

After, say 15m, thinking that the first becakman has given up...

becak: om, cari apa, om.. liburan?
arteo: jalan-jalan... (smiling but walking on)
becak: saya hantar om, cari liburan...
arteo: gak apa, saya jalan sendiri...
becak: cari liburan, om?
arteo: gak...
becak: cari cewek om? Mari om saya hantar'in cari cewek...
arteo: gak...
becak: cari cewek, om?
arteo: N'GAK!!!
becak: hahahahaha (cycling away)

Bloody hell! What did he mean by that?

I wish I have said "Hoy, kenapa sih? Ko' lihat muka saya ini macam muka apa? Muka cari-carian pelacur, ya? Brengsek!" Too bad the words came to my mind only 2 seconds after the loud N'GAK!!

And no Sabahans like to be called Om, I guess...

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