My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


happy ninth day of chinese new year...

For us, 9th Day of CNY usually means having another family reunion dinner at home, and mom will prepare chicken cooked in rice wine...

The ninth day of the New Year is a day for Chinese to offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven (天公) in the Taoist Pantheon. The ninth day is traditionally the birthday of the Jade Emperor.

This day is especially important to Hokkiens and Teochews (Min Nan speakers). Come midnight of the eighth day of the New Year, Hokkiens will offer thanks giving prayers to the Emperor of Heaven. Offerings will include sugarcane as it was the sugarcane that had protected the Hokkiens from certain extermination generations ago. Tea is served as a customary protocol for paying respect to an honored person.

from wikipedia

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