My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


what's in there?............

In the short span of 24 hours before the opening of our Quotation Box for the current project tenders, I have been visited, or rather cornered, by at least half a dozen contractors, up to about 9pm yesterday and another one today. Within that time also I have been handed over 2 envelopes which I declined, not checking what were inside them.

The whole incident with the envelopes really makes me anxious, I've just started my career here, I don't want to spoil it with 'incentives' like these... really scary.

Quotation submissions will be opened and discussed in the meeting as scheduled this afternoon, hopefully none of my committee members came in with a pocket slightly full..

1 comment:

AVATAR said...

Praise God for making a stand.