My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


slow broadband is better than no broadband at all......

Ah, this is infuriating, I thought I've got it in the bag when I was packing up to come back to Beluran last Sunday, when to my horror, I couldn't find my Celcom Broadband (of which I always complain to be slooooowwww....) but now, slow is better than none... So I have to write this from the office, while waiting for the staffs to come back in for a 7pm meeting... another crazy week for me, but hey! I'm back in KK tomorrow!!

So I've done some editing of my Bali pictures, keep your eyes peeled for updates!! Keep flooding my blog okay, the Nuffnang thingy seems to have stagnate at this point! Poor blogger needs money!

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