My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


the day i was thinking about my dwindling social life

They're everywhere. In buildings, outside buildings, in car parks, on escalators, in elevators, on tv, in newspapers, on the roads, on the sidewalks, in the cafes, in the eateries, in the cinemas... everywhere. And the more I don't want to notice it, the more prominently they appear to me.

It is funny how for the past half a year or so, I have not the slightest interest of this. I went on through life, knowing full well that it is still all around, but I was able to be nonchalant about it. "Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, wore the ring, well, thanks but no thanks for now..."

But I am seeing it all around. I know it does not necessitate me to do something about it hastily, but somehow the mind plays special focus on the matter lately, annoyingly even at my disapproval.

People - couple - twosomes - lovebirds - they're everywhere....

I bet this is just a phase that I am going through at this point of time. Probably a sign that I am moving on, that I am ready for another trial in life...

Funny when I re-read my entry on love in my previous blog, I talked about the list, qualities and all, but all that can be fulfilled. When it comes to getting together on a long term basis, I realised that a certain aspect has to be checked first.


the list

The issue of compatibility can be seen from multiple angles. People say that opposite attracts, but what I think about it, is just a way to compensate whatever they lack in themselves by hooking up with each other. Like ying and yang. People who gets along too well may have found themselves in each other, and as long as they're comfortable with 'themselves' that should not be a problem too...

I remember getting very broody watching kids play (long long long time ago), and said to myself that I'd get a kid by 25, and if not from marriage, I'd adopt one! I remember making packs also with a friend, like the one made in Friend - that I'd get married with her if we're both still single by the time I am 30! But I can't remember who that was anymore...
probably to her advantage, haha!

But one thing holds true -- that THE person must be someone I can see myself growing old with, and still hold hands with, even if our wrinkles rub and we get burns from the friction...

first, the approach is slow and subtle

Ah... with my social life the size of a dead skin cell, I need to put up more thickness to this face to meet more people... A blind date doesn't sound too bad at this point...

then, the holding hands during pak-toh

the most romantic one - the holding hands during matrimony

still holding on through thick and thin

holding hands means a lot more when there are little "us" in life - the only coloured pic you'll see here

still holding on even though... not exactly what I have in mind, but will do.. will do...

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