My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


the day i felt it was not an ordinary day...

Not an ordinary day today. Quite laid back, spent most of the time on my office desk writing into my organiser. Not the usual action packed, meeting-after-meeting and rushing for datelines.

Started off with an appointment with a publishing company to discuss about printing our yearly PROSTAR Bulletin and some of our Clinical Practise Guidelines that are running short. Then headed off for a supervision visit to Penampang Clinic to see their management of cases.

Lunch, didn't have anything to eat, walked around at Wawasan Plaza. Amazed at the numbers of Giant supermarket all over KK and the rate of their growth. Almost omnipresent. Bought a tongue scrapper and an Indonesian movie called Alexandria.

Came back to the office, had another meeting with my 3-men team, discussing the apparent under-diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases in Sabah, and how to go around the problem of reporting and notification. Contemplated putting a compound on 2 doctors who reported late.

Found out that my BIG BOSS has changed his visit schedule yet another time, eating into my plan to visit Anne and Mart for their wedding. Tried to reschedule my flight to KL but failed. Now thinking of a way to break the news to Anne without getting killed in the process.

Cancelled a visit to the airport cargo, supposingly a plan to see the procedures of importing the cadaver of a HIV-infected man to be burried here.

Went to get some chicken wings for dinner before going home. At home, kakak prepared tang-yuen for dessert. Felt a slight headache since afternoon so decided to take a short nap at 0800pm.

Woke up at 0200am, figured that a 6 hours nap is enough to kill a headache. Watched 1 disc of Alexandria and had Maggi for supper.

Thinking of catching up with my coffee reviews but the internet connection is so bloody slow now. So, can't do much and thinking of going back to sleep soon. Having a bit of runny nose, so Actifed would be good to help me to go back to sleep.

No, today was not an ordinary day.

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