My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


the day i ate for one and a half days!

Desperate to achieve my target of dropping down to BMI 28 - which is still sleeping soundly in far far away land (tidur mati barangkali...) I've come to the lamest attempt to chart and record my daily caloric intake. I have a feeling that this is going down the gutter in the most cow-dungish way of failure, but hey, if I can do it for 2 days, why not do it for 2 days, right?

So I bought myself a small booklet (like all my previous attempts - if I lose 10 pounds for every booklet I've bought for this purpose, I'd be sexy by now) and started recording things that I munch down.

I managed to down 3448kcal from all that I ate yesterday, a hefty 172% of a recommended daily allowance for a person of similar lifestyle.

Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad....

These are the culprits
  1. KFC 3 pieces (1180) - I was THAT hungry okay
  2. Pepsi (reg) (150)
  3. Grapes (300++ gms) (335)
  4. OLE ice cream (1 piece) (133) okay, I admit, this I didn't need
  5. Apple juice (250mls) (110)
  6. LoHan Ko (220) this is a buang panas drink my kakak did - drank it throughout the day
  7. BBQ chicken wings (472)
  8. Murtabak (2 pc) (500) an estimation, totally not needed but I was craving for this for a week already
  9. 4-in-1 Coffee Mocha (from Vietnam) (96)
  10. Kuaci bunga (1 pack) (130)
  11. I glass OJ (122)
No wonder every time I try to lose weight, it keeps finding me back...

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