My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


red nose coffee chat #1.......

Coffee Talk 01 - 11.01.11
  1. Thanks very much to Sheon, Albert, Garret, Shuey and Tony (for coming along a short while) for participating in the brainstorming session at Starbucks JayaOne. We were expecting more would come ;o) but anyway the group was appropriately small for a more intimate brainstorming activity ;o)
  2. To keep our discussion ambiance at a more relaxed tone, meetings will be called Coffee sessions. Minutes of discussion will be presented in blog form. Nice?
  3. The purpose of that first session of brainstorming was to lay down the basic methodology by which we would carry out this fund raising project. The mood of the project was set to 'casual and easy' by majority consensus. Rationale being that we've been subject to hard structure at work from 9 to 5, so this project would preferably be carried out in a more flexible rhythm -- as friends who want to do a bit of good and have fun while at it ;o)
  4. The main objective for organising Red Nose Project, primarily is to raise fund to benefit the HIV shelter homes that are affiliated with Malaysian AIDS Council.
  5. Secondary objectives are to raise public awareness on HIV issues, and of course, to have fun in the process.
  6. As discussed during the first coffee session, logically we only have time to do 2 collateral events and a finale (which is scheduled on 1 April). These 3 events would be the fund raising components of the project. Another activity that is not a part of the fund raising effort, but more of a publicity effort -- by doing a flash mob activity, will also be planned.
  7. According to a document that I've got from MAC, there are 19 shelter homes in Malaysia catering for PLWHA (people living with HIV and AIDS), but only 6 of them cater for children. There are 3 in KL, and 1 in Sabah, Kelantan and Pahang respectively. So we're targeting these 6 homes specifically.
  8. The events that are listed (but subject to improvements and further development of ideas) include a stand up comedian show, a garage sale / flea market and a finale event which we have yet any ideas on what type of event to organise.
  9. At this point, some of us are doing our initial contacts with some funny people that may help us with the events -- Harith Iskander, Doudlas Lim, Adibah Noor, JJ and Ean. Any other connections to other funny people are very much welcomed ;o)
  10. Albert, Garrett and Christine are working on sourcing the red nose.
  11. We have no objections for companies to use our events as marketing scheme as long as we're achieving our fund raising objectives, but this point would have to be developed further.
  12. We would be getting someone from MAF to sit in our Coffee sessions to advise us on the fund transactions protocols from corporate donors and such. Arteo will call MAF again soon, before the next Coffee.
  13. To start small, we've put RM50k as our target amount of fund raising this time. The amount is still open for discussion. We'll have to solidify our targets and events to plan by the next Coffee session. We all promised to sleep on it first ;o) I hope we won't be insomniac after all that coffee...
  14. The next Coffee session will be at the same place, same time next week 18.01.11. Invitations will be through an event page. Click on "attend" please ;o)

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