My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


what a break.......

Yup, it's been a while all right. Let's see, the last time I jotted something here was 12 September... and that was a month ago. In between that time and now, I have had a Manila trip squeezed in, numerous office activities, some time thinking to myself, of myself and for myself (have a feeling that November blues will come early this year) and just last week, an outing to Ranau with my colleagues.

I've made-up a bit on the outlook of Cafe Philosoffee, and intended to revive the forsaken blog, but still I can find a thousand and one excuses to procrastinate. I have also gotten myself a new gadget at the mean time, a new phone as needed because my Motorola has decided that it had enough of service over 2 years, and now a proud owner of a PDA phone. I remembered wanting a Palm-W when PDA phones first camne into fashion, but since the death of Zire-72, I've gone back to good old organiser diaries that I still carry around now for sentimental reasons.

Anyway, I have an idea for Christmas charity discussed over Starbucks with akhoo in Spain (I mean, I was having Starbucks, I'm not sure he'd eat anything next to his mice), and realised that my sunset of the third decade is aproaching fast - and I have to come up with something significant to leave my mark in this period of time. Thus, born the Wishing Star Project - something that you'll hear about soon, hopefully. Meant to be something small, but sweet - very unlike Roddy, but I guess that would have to do.

And ah, I just heard news that I might get another transfer back to KK... just as I was getting comfortable in Beluran, and have plans to improve some of the things there... but I guess coming back to KK, I may find difficult to say no to.

Actually I have hundreds of pictures to share but I just can't find the motivation to wait for them to upload with the recent sucky internet connection so I guess that would have to wait another time.

Until then.

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