My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


the divine silence........

  1. I had the most liberated worship that night - no music, nobody else watching, nobody else listening, no reservation - it was just God and me - it was very poetic, really - I sensed Him whispering on the wind that blows on my face, I opened my hands and touched Him, and He comforted me. It was one of the most tangible experiences I had of God’s presence. He was there, I swear! (Cafe OAC, Friday, April 14th 2006)
  2. Reading back my old entries in my old blog (the Friendster blog, back at the time when Friendster was still cool), I can't help but feeling like I'm reading someone else's writing. I could barely remember the last time I used such a language to talk about the relationship I had with God.
  3. I think it is just best, and wisest, to say that I do not know what's happening. Some may want to call it the desert years, Fr. Green called it the dry well, St John of the Cross used the analogy of the Dark Night. To me, it is just that my God is being silent. Or that I am being oblivious to His signs, I don't know.
  4. ..........
  5. Yeah, I don't know.

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