My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


barney, hi5 and sesame street.....

  1. YihYi was asking for Barney and Hi5 CDs few days ago when I called back. Thought she was asking for a Barney toy. Got her the crayons, and will be on the lookout for Barney CDs but nope, no Hi5 or any craps like that from me. Actually I am against Barney myself, prefering Sesame Street instead (I grew up with it, remember the pie-man who always fall down the stairs with the number of pies according to the number of the day? Or the Choose the Odd One Out Game? Classic, man!)
  2. But since YihYi belongs to this generation that adores the softy purple sissy tyrannosaurus, ugly yellow triceratops with suspicius looking green spots up her thigh and that other green dinosaur of unknown species) I'll give in and buy her that.
  3. I think it's my duty to introduce the magic of Sesame Street to YihYi. Okay, Sesame Street CD for YihYi, coming up!

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