My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


arteo vs. the cicada...

It's midnight and I just came out of the shower again, 3rd time tonight... Damn cicada had to come into my room, earlier on it was okay but suddenly it had to flap around on the floor and making its shrieking sounds.

Damn cicada, I don't care if you're horny, but I'm trying to sleep, there's an early flight to catch tomorrow!

So after half an hour of trying to tolerate the mating call that only another cicada could admire, grudgingly I got out of bed and looked for my mosquito spray. Half a can of that and the cicada was still teasing me with its tenor concerto. I reached for my cockroach spray this time and downed another good dose of that on the suicidal performer at the corner of my table. The familiar sound that cicadas make turn to something like a baby raccoon would make when you tied it up, shut its mouth and blow gas up its arse... not that I've heard what t sounds like before, but it was horrible, the dramatic sounds that a dying cicada makes. And not before I almost emptied a whole can of insecticide on it. I didn't want to squash it because I don't want to do the cleaning up.

When it finally died, the whole room smelled like pesticide factory so I had to go for another shower. I am bloody irritated for being pulled out of bed by a stupid cicada in heat, but now I have something to write on that has nothing to do with H1N1. Yay!

Oh but tomorrow's meeting is on H1N1 updates by the HQ... sleep! Sleep!

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