My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...



From the bottom of my heart

I'm moving my thoughts and two-cents here to leave Cafe Philosoffee dedicated to coffee reviews and comments on new-found eateries.

Lately it has been difficult to write, partly due to the constant movement that this new job requires. In fact I just came back from a National Convention for PROSTAR - a youth programme developed by the Ministry of Health to promote healthy adolescence - and a field visit to 3 Health Offices in Peninsular Malaysia that run PROSTAR Youth Centres. Touching down only at 8 last night, today was a full day of official correspondence and a briefing to Entertainment Centers orperators around KK regarding the importance of getting their GROs and Commercial Sex Workers to check for HIV and STDs.

Though tired from work, I am still glad to stand apart from those who doesn't enjoy their job. This is the kind of tiredness that puts me right to sleep at night, knowing that I've at least done something worth-while for the day.

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