Yet another personality test to help us know ourselves, but this this test I have done years ago and I do find that it helped me in adjusting myself better with other people (after I know their temperament type, it is somewhat easier to accept them as they are).
Try it. What are you?
Try it. What are you?

The Introvert | The Thinker | The Pessimist
The Melancholy's Emotions
* Deep and thoughtfully - i think so
* Analytical - heck, i am analysing this analysis, am i not?
* Serious and purposeful - serious, yes
* Genius prone - bah bagus lah...
* Talented and creative - uiseh, more! more!
* Artistic or musical - musical definitely not...
* Philosophical and poetic - ooh yes...
* appreciative of beauty - saantik!
* Sensitive to others - i hope so...
* Self-sacrificing - sometimes i guess...
* Conscientious - oh, ethics is my middle name
* Idealistic - too much at times
The Melancholy As A Parent
* Sets high standards
* Wants everything done right
* Keeps home in good order
* Picks up after children
* Sacrifices own will for others
* Encourages scholarship and talent - kalau malas belajar, rotan! haha
The Melancholy At Work
* Schedule oriented - haha, have you seen my organiser?
* Perfectionist, high standards - not always good i guess
* Detail conscious - hei lupa tu noktah...
* Persistent and thorough
* Orderly and organized
* Neat and tidy - 5s bah...
* Economical - this i'm not too sure of
* Sees the problems
* Finds creative solutions
* Needs to finish what he starts
* Likes charts, graphs, figures, lists - yes, yes, yes and yes
The Melancholy As a Friend
* Makes friends cautiously - doesn't everybody?
* Content to stay in background - yep...
* Avoids causing attention - yep...
* Faithful and devoted - yep...
* Will listen to complaints - oh... complaints department pula...
* Can solve other's problems - superman bah
* Deep concern for other people
* Moved to tears with compassion - uinah jangan kasi pecah raksia bah
* Seeks ideal mate - still seeking! isi borang! cepat!
The Melancholy's Emotions
* Remembers the negatives - jaga,.. sya ingat tu...
* Moody and depressed - sigh...
* Enjoys being hurt - i remember vic saying something about this...
* Has false humility - cilaka, ya meh?
* Off in another world - which one?
* Low self-image - sadly, yes... on the ground...
* Has selective hearing
* Self-centered - me me me... my fav song: MY WAY
* Too introspective - yep... too much for my own good...
* Guilt feelings - hmm..
* Persecution complex - sometimes la...
* Tends to hypochondria - no... not right...
The Melancholy As A Parent
* Puts goals beyond reach
* May discourage children
* May be too meticulous
* Becomes martyr
* Sulks over disagreements
* Puts guilt upon children
The Melancholy At Work
* Not people oriented - oi siapa bilang?
* depressed over imperfections - certain things la...
* Chooses difficult work - ya ka...
* Hesitant to start projects - not true again...
* Spends too much time planning - well...
* Prefers analysis to work - true...
* Self-deprecating - certain areas only bah
* Hard to please - hahahaha, yes!
* Standards often too high
* Deep need for approval - sadly, yes... true...
The Melancholy As a Friend
* Lives through others
* Insecure socially - yep...
* Withdrawn and remote - hahaha, try after a few beers...
* critical of others - life is a stage, and I am simon...
* Holds back affections - eh, i am loving bah
* Dislikes those in opposition - who does?
* Suspicious of people - are you mentally undressing me?
* Antagonistic and vengeful
* Unforgiving - see the extent of offense also bah
* Full of contradictions - not right...
* Skeptical of compliments - ya, what do you want?
1 comment:
...and bloodyhell i am not pessimistic!
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