My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


updet... updet... updet...

reporting from solo - 1759pm
29 APRIL - Yogya --> Solo
  1. woke up to get breakfast
  2. walked in Malioboro to get souvenirs - nah, ada yg mengharap tuh kan...
  3. tried to get batik for myself, but they don't make much 5L size - cilaka...
  4. even when they do, its always brightly coloured -- salah konsep bah diorang nih...
  5. watched some more tv
  6. caught a train at 0330pm
  7. reached Solo at about 0430pm - checked in to Solo Inn, Rp313,000 per night
  8. now thinking of going to just leisure in the Grand Mall, had enough of all the touristy stuffs...
  9. maybe karaoke tonight... feel like singing some "local" songs, hehe...
  10. maybe not if most karaoke only offer dangdut and old drunkeds... ulgghh
  11. tomorrow must go to take picture of Bengawan Solo
  12. flight back to KL is at 0630pm
  13. will lose another hour on the way back...

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