My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


judgement time.... am i up to par......

I got visited by the Most Eligible Judge for the Eligible Bachelors, giving off some points on what does it mean to be a bachelor...
First of all, what does it mean to be an eligible bachelor?? Please enlighten me!! Cuz as far as I'm concerned, an eligible bachelor must have AT LEAST these qualities (in random order):

A great sense of humor, and I don't mean being 'loyar buruk' or else Din Beramboi can be an eligible bachelor too!
Hhhmmm... I consider myself witty, not funny, but definitely won't be the last comic standing...

A decent job...
Well, stable job I do have, but would you classify looking out for and taking care of transverstites and commercial sex workers as decent? Hmmm.... subjective. Of course this is not all I do, being in Infectious Disease Control Unit (AIDS/STD) of Jabatan Kesihatan we do a lot of preventive works and health education. But it's cool to see faces change when I tell them I am taking care of prostitues!

Good looking. He doesn't necessarily hafta be a hunk of a guy. Just easy on the eyes, you know...
Hunky definitely not, but easy on the eyes... well, I can say that I'm definitely not fugly either..! Hehehe...

Intelligent... you gotta at least speak fluent English!
Okay la, pass...

I have 340 - 360 points of articulation, depending on which textbook you read...

Good Manners. Respectful! To the ladies, to strangers, to parents, basically a real gentleman.
At least I'm sure I'm not kurang ajar lah...

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that an eligible bachelor needs to be some kinda prince charming from a far far away land who never has the urge to burp or snore or fart!
Ah, that's fortunate... 'cause the only music I can make is the burp-snore-fart symphony...
Nasib baik I didn't get bashing from her, hehehe... but she did some kaw kaw bashing on last year's Cleo dudes, read her comments here!

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