My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


p-a-t-c-h's top referrals......

Some of the site-tracking widgets are really cool stuffs, showing statistics of, among others, the total visits to your blog, who they are, and where they come / referred from... Sitemeter even does a prediction of how your weblog traffic will be in the next few hours, tomorrow, even for the whole coming month..!

Currently I am tracking visitors via SiteMeter and NuffNang. If you want these widgets, click on the link at my side-bar.

These weblogs has been my top referrers for the weekend, thanks people!
Nova's blog: Novus Operandi
Gidong's blog: Gidong-Noumad
Yolie's blog: Breathing Space
Bobby's blog: A Journey of My Life
Frisco's blog: Sabah In Photography

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