My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


outbreak management course at kundasang......

We took off at about 8am, but still the jam held us back a little. It's really exciting going for this course, with the landmark of my destination so visibly clear early in the morning.

The view of Mount Kinabalu from the reverse side, not the typical postcard view. This was taken from Tuaran.

Since I was going to be late anyway, we stopped by at Tuaran for a quick breakfast after refueling the car. I think there are more shops in KK selling Tuaran noodle than in Tuaran itself.

Quite a pleasant surprise to find out that the secretariat gave me a suite for my whole stay here. The suite comprises a living space with a sofa, normal TV and a fridge, and the bedroom proper with a queen size bed, a flat screen LCD TV with an ample sized bathroom - all for myself. Wow, I don't mind going for courses all the time if all the accommodations are like this!

I missed 2 lectures in the morning, but was just in time for the practical work. It's a problem based discussion activity, trying to solve a mysterious outbreak which causes unstable high fever in a group of camping hippies.

The weather was kind enough for me to take good pictures of the mountain. I believe it will do no justice to put this picture in black and white, so some special exceptions are always tolerated in PATCH.

Nah, urangranau, your mountain, sya jaga baik-baik juga tuh...

Later in the evening it rained, so we drove down to Ranau town for a drink and some tid-bits.

Blogging and researching from the hotel lounge, Topion Cafe.

I tried the long exposure function of the camera. The mountain actually is hardly visible in the darkness of the night, other than the blinking lights at the mountain foot. This below is taken with exposure 30sec on ISO100, mounted on mini-tripod.

This I think is 15sec on ISO400, zoomed in.

All photos taken with RICOH Caplio GX8
Photos by PicHarmonics Photography


Kay Stanford Jr Kastum said...

..Must be a great pleasure to be having meetings in such splendid settings. By the way love your blogging style man!

Anonymous said...

kotouhadan kio arteo sebab tulung jaga tuh gunung saya, takut bah kalau sia balik lagi len kali hilang suda itu gunung..neway nice picts. sia rasa mo book ticket lagi mo balik ni kalau gini..hihihih

ARTEo said...

urg rnu:sya jaga juga tu gunung ko bah, jangan ko risau... kalau ada pinjahat mau suri sya timbak dia okeh?

ARTEo said...

kay: thanks dude, thanks for coming... I see you're into macro and bokeh...