My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


sandakan trip day 2.......

Woke up at about 8 in the morning, I purposely declined the offer for a driver to come pick me up from the hotel. I took my sweet time getting ready, had 2 roti canai at habeeb for breakfast (still Sri Pandii owns the gold standard for Indian food) and went around looking for a taxi to get to the clinic. Unfortunately Bandar Indah isn't the best place to get one, so I had to walk out to the main road. Seeing a bus going pass, I flagged it and really glad that it's going the clinic direction.

The last time I was on a bus in Sandakan, was many many many years ago, during Interact Club's first Pan Borneo Convention. That was in 1995, some 13 years ago. The trip from mile 4 to the clinic was only 70 cents.

The cross road at Mile 4, Sandakan.

The front entrance of Klinik Kesihatan Sandakan.

Alamak... bad spelling...

Front view of Klinik Kesihatan Sandakan.

Dr Zaiton, the Family Medicine Specialist and Dr Senthil, Medical and Health Officer.

For lunch, a group of nurses decided to abduct me (no kidding, they insisted that I go although I told them I'm on a diet) to have Ikan Bakar or fresh roasted fish. This place is famous in Sim-Sim, and have been wanting to come here myself, but since Jr had to go back KK for Clarence's funeral, I am quite glad for Plan B.

How it works here, you just choose the fish you want, then take a seat as rice and all other dishes will be served on the table.

Nah, the complete meal.

There a few things I don't take for lunch. One, is fish, obviously because of the smell. Second, Indian food, also because of the smell that lingers, and thirdly, chilli, of any kind, because I wouldn't stop sweating. Not that I cannot tolerate chilli, I can take it quite well, but once the flood gate opens, it will take some time before I get dry again.

But they say it's not eating ikan bakar if it isn't taken with the chilli, so I tried both, chilli in tomato paste and chilli in calamansi juice. I prefer the one in calamansi juice.

Muka puas lepas makan...

The clinic at near sunset. In Sandakan, the sun sets over the hills.

My favourite place to shop at Bandar Indah, Parkwell.

I closed the night out by having a slice of cheesy cheese cake and white chocolate mocha at Jesselton Coffee. Needed the internet badly.

Actually I had a shock when I opened the file that my colleague saved for me in the pen-drive. It was supposed to be the presentation slide from my boss, that I am presenting the next day, but unfortunately he got the old file in! almost panicked, I had to get connected to download some pictures for my talk the next day. Biasalah me, it ain't Roddy is it ain't last minute!

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