My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


mock outbreak..... the day 2 challenge......

Day 2 at the course, we started early by presenting the mysterious outbreak that we had to investigate the day before. Our group was the last one so it was already nearly 1030am by the time I get to present our management. The whole time I was waiting for the chance to snap a good mountain picture but no luck today.

Dari pagi tu gunung bertapuk saja di belakang awan... a'macam ni?

Gadis gadis urusetia, ready to print anything that we need to be printed. Hehehe.

In the afternoon, we were given another task, this time a more realistic mock outbreak, of possible Avian Influenza involving the whole state. My group was given the task of being the state Health Headquarters, and I am the Director of Health. Uiseh, pangkat besar but really, I don't know what to do...

So during the second session, we planned out our strategies and the night session ended with a (mock) press release, at which I was stuttering like woodie woodpecker.

The moon veiled by the clouds, 8seconds on ISO 200, mounted on tripod.

all photos taken with RICOH Caplio GX8
photos by PicHarmonics Photography

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute woodie woodpecker though...