My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


toys, blog hits, the fuzz and pan bakery fraternity.....

our nasi lemak at pan bakery was more monsterous than this
  1. First batch of toys arrived this morning, yay! There should be some already at the Annexe Gallery, I should retrieve them before they clutter up Pang's place...
  2. Sat down to chat with Angela this morning, a woman of strong will and a heart of gold. Inspired by her stories, and really, it's been a while since I had a good chat with someone. Reminds me of the good ol' days before Facebook, where chat means mouth-works rather than finger-works...
  3. The blog visitors count hits 105 at the moment. Ah, the shameless unethical self-promotional post up of my blog address tagging along Operation Toy Story. I usually have 15 hits a day, no wonder Nuffnang stops banking in money! Hahaha, what ethics?!
  4. Thinking about the reason behind doing all this charity stuffs. There was a time, years ago, when there was a group of kindred spirits doing every little that they can to feel the Fuzz. Usually the high came from a night of walking in the red-districts back lanes of metropolitan KL, re-humanizing the outcasts of society, bringing a pack of nasi lemak as a token of friendship to start conversations. More of than not, the street folks would be too busy shooting in the hi-way to talk to us, but consistency did the trick. Some became good friends. We felt the Fuzz.
  5. I miss the Fuzz. I miss the time when we just sat down and talked deep and pretended we knew something about the quality of life. Well maybe we did know a little. Maybe just a little. I miss the time when we fixed our own monster size nasi lemak from Pan Bakery.
  6. Thinking of next project to do already. Got to keep the Fuzz going. Keeps me sane. And humane, I think. Keeps me busy that's for sure. Keeps me wishing that the Pan Bakery fraternity would come back together one day for another project.
  7. Just got another box of toy, brought in during locum. Among the stuffs in the loot-box, two football jerseys for an adolescent sized football fan. Original from UK!! Heard that they were intended as a gift for one kid that has leukemia, but passed on before he received them. I'm just so glad my life is fortified with stories like these... thanks Melvin ;o)

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