Yih Yi during her first year. We all saw through her phases of rolling over, crawling commando, first baby step, first babbles and now she talks and talks and talks and talks, and ask why and what and who and where and how and what and what and what....... I felt bad one day when she kept on incessantly telling me something when I just woke up, I turned to her and said SHUT UP! She kept quiet for a while, I think not because I asked her to shut up, but it was a new word to her. Few seconds later, she started again..... Haha..
During her first birthday.....

Her maiden ride on Ookikuro.....

Posing for RedNose.....

Its's a sucky feeling to realise that when I come back, YihYi would already be all grown up and would have started Primary 1 by then... ah, what would I give to be around and see her grow up! Latest pic taken today.....

I'm so gonna spoil her with pampering before I go off, because when I come back, she's not gonna cium bunyi for me anymore... sigh.
Its's a sucky feeling to realise that when I come back, YihYi would already be all grown up and would have started Primary 1 by then... ah, what would I give to be around and see her grow up! Latest pic taken today.....

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