My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


try a little kindness........


It has been a slow progress for this project, but things are starting to take shape at the moment. A few companies have agreed to contribute some goodies, and some others have agreed (with arms twisted) to bake or get specific items to be put in ;-) Thanks a bunch, peeps!

However, we are still far from getting a luxurious bag, so please, please, please revive the festive elves in you, to contribute to the bags. Currently, for each and every bags, we have a few pieces of chocolate (premium quality ones to say the least, okay!), some home-baked cookies, candy-canes, and free coupons from Starbucks! The goody bags would be made from non-woven eco-friendly material, so its is reusable as shopping bags, and it is specially designed by a renowned local graphic designing company. Let me tell you this, the bag doesn't come in cheap (way too expensive to be considered for charity purpose) but the design company has been generous enough to sponsor the bags, so all proceeds can go directly towards the charity.

Just to re-emphasise the reason we are doing this fund raising -- to buy new stationery and schoolbags, school uniforms and shoes for some children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in Sabah.

Come on, peeps, try a little kindness!

1 comment:

aud said...

Hi there

How does the bag look like and how much does it cost? Appreciate the details.
