My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


arteo in bali: day 2...... to the beach.....

Day two started early, I was still not getting the vacation feel, and I was anxious to get to the internet to get in touch with the people in Beluran - getting updates on what's happening and doing some consultation over decisions that I have to make... I realised that I could not find my Sony Ericsson handphone since the night before when I wanted to put up alarm clock for this morning. Being slightly light-headed from the Bintangs, I thought I had just misplaced it somewhere under the bunch of luggage I brought, but when I still can't find it in the morning, I got a bit suspicious...

Morning view of the Pura from my balcony.

It seems like we had some four legged visitors that night...

After finishing with the internet, I had breakfast with Malte at this place called Piggy's Bar. The set breakfast goes for Rp24.000 for an American Breakfast of eggs, toast, home-made minced beef steak and a glass of orange juice (but it tasted more like cordial, realy)

The view from Piggy's Bar, over looking a surfboard shop.

Vacation mode really started on day 2 at the beach when there was nothing planned for the day at all, just lazing around sucking in all the sun, sea and sand........ But knowing me, I got slightly restless after a couple of hours under the sun and I went off looking for an air-conditioned Mall.....

The group of Malaysian friends who were staying in the same hotel, they are staffs from Air Asia, who's been to Bali like on a regular basis... so these people know their way around.


Getting a shot - Friendster style - described as taking picture with an extended hand, lens facing us, and slightly tilted above eye level. This is a very difficult technique so we had to take a few times to get the perfect shot...

At night after dinner, I went off on my own looking for coffee and a place to just chill, and a few doors away from the hotel, there's this Cafe called The Local Cafe selling Illy Coffee.

Even Illy Coffee has got its shrine with statue of Ganesh on it...

Americano, served with the wrong type of biscotti

Mocha, also with the wrong type of biscotti

Day 2 was pretty uneventful, except for the fact that I have finally sunk in the fact that my phone was missing, but not until the next day when Malte was making a commotion (you did, right?) about his missing rashsuit, and I complained about my missing phone too... but that's a story for another day. Stay tuned!!

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