My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


i think i can't think anymore...

...but isn't that thinking too?

I am so overwhelmed by work, and as a matter of fact, when am I not overwhelmed by work, sheesh...

Things on my mind right now
  1. The PTK exam next week
  2. Mesyuarat Ketua Unit tmrw
  3. Mesyuarat Keutuhan bersama Hospital Beluran tmrw
  4. Mesyuarat Keutuhan with Hosp Pitas to be planned
  5. The boat accident investigation
  6. Pertandingan Kaunter
  7. TB death meeting to be held next week
  8. The neverending dengue outbreak in Keniogan
  9. The 9 new nurses and their placement
  10. Speaker from Beluran ADUN coming this afternoon
  11. Termite control taking up to about RM100,000
  12. How to go back to KK this weekend......
  13. etc etc etc
and much much much more issues but I'd better go and settle them soon...

1 comment:

Kadazan Man in New York said...

take a deep breath and just do one thing at a time. good luck!!!