My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


toying with t77 at kundasang, ranau.......

I make it a point to capture at least one picture of the mountain every time I go pass it. For my last stay at Kundasang, Mt Kinabalu has been quite shy, coming out only towards the end of our stay. Here's one for this visit...

A sleeping dog at a gondola next to our conference hall.

I must admit that the graffiti in KK is becoming nicer and nicer, and more artistic over the years, but in Ranau, there's still writings on the wall, like this, that I couldn't make sense of...

Some macro shots...

A spider under the cap of a garden lamp...

Funny protuberance from the leaves of the entire plant, could be floral viral infection... just guessing, somekind of tree warts.

In Ranau.

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