My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


what about love...

1. Went out with Vic 2 nights back, supposedly our last night out while he is still a bachelor - but not quite, since he is legally married a couple of weeks back - and had our catching up over pizza.

2. Talking to a married person, I could not escape talking about love and related issues, though I have conveniently put that matter at the back of my mind for a while.

3. I am not going to write much about it here, since I am too tired from attending project developmental meeting from morning to about 7pm today. Not like in Sabah, 7pm here is still bright, maybe that's why people don't have that sense of urgency to end the meeting sooner.

4. Tun Mahathir was here earlier, in MPH, to autograph his books and meet his fans. I was grumbling upstairs because I wanted to come down but yet I could not leave the meeting...

5. And this is also why I am writing in the style of Mahathir's blog... well, maybe next time.

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