My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


november blues' here again......

Time went by extremely fast this year. It felt like only last week when I had my November Blues, and now it's here again... wait, I did have November Blues last week, in fact for this year, it came early.. haha. What I wanted to say was, time went by really fast, and if the sayings were true, I must be having fun. Am I? I guess I did have a bit of fun. Yes, I did.

November Blues is a period for me to reflect on things that I have achieved (or have not) for the year, and usually it coincides with the season of Advent of the Christian calendar. But I am not quite sure if Advent is already here yet, at this moment of time.

The issue of significance comes back during this season, like P.Ramlee reruns during Hari Raya, same thing over and over again. But this time, it is stronger as I approach the end of my third decade of life. Need some more time to think this over, before I can write about it.

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