My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


tools of trade.......

It's not the first time that someone gave me a wide eye when I told them I have, and use a few types of camera to take the pictures seen in this blog. Although I'd like to maintain that I am a photo-enthusiast rather than a photographer, for being the latter somehow makes it a little bit more stressful to be.

I do have a passion for cameras, yet being a photo-enthusiast or a photographer, means that one should put more emphasis on his or her photos rather than the camera that is in use. No doubt the types of camera / resolution / lenses do make a difference, I somehow am more interested in the creative art of photographic composition, and I'd like to maintain that the camera is just a tool, and what we produce with it is more important.

I wish I can say, just give me any type of camera, and I'll still give you beautiful pictures, but somehow that statement is not always true. But give a good camera to someone who cannot appreciate good photography, he'd still give you crap pictures, right?

Here are the cameras that I use, and the sample pictures taken with each of them. The pictures have not been cropped or manipulated (just resized) still in its original colour.

I got my Canon EOS 300D dSLR for a good deal from my uncle. I used to tell people that once someone starts using a SLR to take photos, he will never look back at a point-and-shoot anymore. True in some cases, but SLRs are pretty heavy to lug around, especially when carrying a few lenses along.

Another good thing with SLRs, other than the flexibility of interchangable lenses, it also allows add-ons, like this, for extra creative photographic effects. Here, I've attached a semi-fish eye lens (which is just a very-wide angle lens).

I own 2 types of semi-automatic cameras (which allow manual over-ride), my first was a Sony DSC-H9 which I also got at quite a bargain.

This is the latest member of the gang, a semi-automatic RICOH Caplio GX8. I got this to replace my other pocket point-and-shoot. Most of the more recent entries were taken with this camera. The plus point for this, is that it can take up to less than 1 cm macro and has a hot shoe that fits the common add-on flash.

My other point-and-shoot which I got for my own birthday last year decided to stop functioning properly just after its 1 year warranty expires. Up to date, Sony has stopped producing pocketcams with external buttons, and I don't really fancy those with touch-screen function. By far, I still think this is the best pocketcam I've used - for its handiness, compact size and ability to take supermacro pictures. Too bad Sony has stopped producing them, or else I wouldn't mind getting another exact one.

Last but not least, my handy 2.0MP Sony Ericsson 610i somewhat-of-a-camera that's built in to the phone. It has proven to be of invaluable help when I forget to carry along my usual pocketcam. Although I come from the school of thought that doesn't believe in hybrids (let a phone be a phone) but this gadget is able to take some descent pictures (usually when I am in a beggar-can't-be-chooser situation).

Oh ya, although I might say that photography skill is more important than the camera itself, I still am salivating over the idea of getting a Canon EOS 40D dSLR.

Then I take wicked pictures!!

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