My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


pesta rumbia 2008 (ii)........

I've been meaning to finish up the installments on my visit to Pesta Rumbia but being in Beluran isn't really condusive for prolific blogging, plus I was pretty occupied with work since I came over, so here goes the rest of my visit to Kuala Penyu. I'll talk about Beluran in another entry.

Eating camp at the fetsival, unfortunately, really unfortunately, they don't serve sago worms here.

Sandra, Henry, Angeline and Suzy were so supportive, they stayed through the speeches and all during the officiating ceremony under the hot canopy. Don't know how they do it, but I barely stayed 5 minutes before taking off!

The much talked about sago worm, or vutod. some are as big as your thumb and really wriggly. Attached to the hard end of the worm, its head, is a pair of pincer that looks more ferocious than its bite. The worm's body has the consistency of a chewed bubble gum, only warmer and softer. If you've touched the belly of a lizard before, that's almost as disgusting as this one.

The squirmish critters don't look half as nauseating when roasted. But definitely not half as cute... if you's ever consider the live ones cute, that is.

The great pretender.

The worms only reserved for pelanchung.

Grating the rumbia tree trunk to get sago.

Another traditional instrument in the process of sago making.

My uncle, Mr Edmund Teo, District Officer of Kuala Penyu, smiling behind the CM.

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