My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


storm at work......

Few days ago there was a prediction in the newspaper that a storm will hit the west coast of Sabah until 14th May. Well, today's the last day and I'm out at work.

Health Inspector Hendrew was doing a mapping of the KK entertainment outlet around Waterfront area and I joined along. Suddenly there was a gathering of dark clouds with a bright plethora lining running across, separating from the bright part of the sky. It was fascinating, like the collision between darkness and light, and at times like this, I hate to not have my pocket camera with me.

Which brings to mind, that I have to go and make noise at Karamunsing Sony Service Centre. Their service really sucks and I am almost at the end of my patience with the way they handle their costumer service. Sucks big time.

Then the rain suddenly came, and scattered the marketplace (the Filipino market). It was quite a scene, people hurriedly packing their goods, shouting, running, the wind sending sand and plastic bags up flying all over the place. Good thing I had my W610i with me, so beggar can't be chooser.

The sea was getting really rough, and the boats were busy finding a safer docking. The whole thing looked like a scene taken out from the movie Pirates of Caribbean, when the fleet of pirate ships getting prepared for war.

1 comment:

All Thing Viral said...

hopefully we aside to this disaster. like what happen recently in burma