My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...



5 things I plan (Lord willing) to do before I die:
1. Pass down my genes (basic and primitive need)
2. Catch a flight to Japan (I always dream of growing old and dying there)
3. Have an ARTEo Foundation for the less fortunate
4. Found a walk-in home for pregnant-teenagers needing shelter and care
5. Materialise Cafe Philosoffee

5 things I can do:
1. See
2. Hear
3. Taste
4. Feel
5. Smell
(and I think that's as complete as I need to get on with life)

5 things I cannot do (yet):
1. Have a handsome, or even pretty, or even cute savings
2. Sing without feeling self-conscious
3. Make sense of hi-tech computer language
4. Fly... a plane I mean... (which I intend to learn)
5. Tocang my hair... too short.

5 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Independence
2. Strong character and will
3. Intellect
4. Home-maker
5. Similar sense of humour
(this list could go on-and-on, good thing it stops here)

5 things I say most often:
1. Oi boss...
2. I know, I know... (irritated expression)
3. I don't mean to be rude... (before saying something rude)
4. Hey, that guy's wrong.. actually it's...
5. If I were you...

5 things I love: (other than God, myself, family and my friends)
1. Good coffee
2. Good coffee
3. Good coffee
4. Good coffee
5. Good coffee

5 things I love: (other than good coffee)
1. Better coffee
2. Any superman paraphenalia
3. Good photographic opportunities
4. Angels paraphenalia
5. Jazz

5 things I hate:
1. Coming dateline
2. Emotional divas
3. That I cannot read Chinese
4. Snakes, lizards and all reptiles
5. Lousy cold coffee

5 pesky things about me:
1. Pride
2. Procrastinate
3. Perfectionist
4. Short-fused temper
5. Laser-mouthed

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