My Own Happiness Project

My Own Happiness Project
because happiness begins inside and flows out...


boom-de-ah-daa, boom-de-ah-daa...

Usually sticky tunes are irritating but somehow this one is okay, featured by Discovery Channel as their theme song.

2008 version

Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?
Astronaut 2: Nope.
Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you want to...
Astronaut 2: Break into a song?
Astronaut 1: Yep!

I love the mountains,
I love the clear blue skies,
I love big bridges,
I love when great whites fly,
I love the whole world,
And all its sight and sound,
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da..

I love the oceans,
I love real dirty things,
I love to go fast,
I love Egyptian Kings,
I love the whole world,
And all its sight and sound,
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da..

I love tornadoes,
I love arachnids,
I love hot magma,
I love the giant squids,
I love the whole world,
It's such a brilliant place,
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da..

2009 version

(Astronauts still singing refrain from last commercial)
Astronaut 1: Man, I cannot get that song out of my head.
Astronaut 2: Totally, I’m going again.
(Melody begins, astronauts begin to sing)
Astronaut 2: I love the mountains,
Astronaut 1: I love the sun so bright.
I love crustaceans
I love the stars at night
I love the whole world
So many things to see
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da

I love to catch fish
I love the lemur eyes
I love the future
I love when humans fly
I love the whole world
No plave I'd rather be
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da

Still dirty, still loving it
I love to blast off
I love adrenaline
I love the big bang
I love where air is thin
I love the whole world
And being part of it
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da

The Original Version

The song used in the ad is a re-writing of a traditional camping song known as I Love the Mountains or I Love the Flowers, sung to the tune of Hoagy Carmichael's 1938 "Heart & Soul", featuring a chorus of "boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da"

I like the flowers, I like the daffodils,
I like the mountains, I like the rolling hills,
I like the fire place, when the light is low,
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da,
Boom de ah da, boom de ah da...


'a' is for arteo......

1. What is your name : Arteo
2. A four Letter Word : Apes
3. A boy's Name : Andy
4. A girl's Name : Alexandria
5. An occupation : Art Director
6. A color : Amber
7. Something you'll wear : Anklet (not)
9. A food : Appam
10. Something found in the bathroom: Air freshner
11. A place : Ampang
12. A reason for being late : A-dog-ate-my-keys
13. Something you'd shout : Aaaarrrgghhhh!!!
14. A movie title : Ada apa Dengan Cinta?
15. Something you drink : Apple-juice
16. A musical group : Abba
17. An animal : Ambuk (monkey in Bruneian)
18. A street name : Alor (as in Jalan Alor)
19. A type of car : Audi
20. The title of a song : Angel's Lullaby

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.